An excellent piece. Many thanks.

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Thank you Andrew.

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I'm heading over to The Bowes Museum soon as I believe Cornish is exhibited there at the moment along with Lowry, so this is a timely piece to read.

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By all accounts a marvellous exhibition Sue, I'm hoping to get to it myself.

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Would be happy to car share, Harry and give you a lift!

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A generous offer Sue - assuming you aren't heading that way before the 21st - maybe a quick chat then?

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No, it would be September probably

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Aug 3Liked by Harry Watson

Thank you for introducing me to this artist, Harry. He is wonderful.

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No worries Jenn, I'm glad you like Norman's work.

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Jul 30Liked by Harry Watson

Your piece beautifully captures Norman Cornish's unique artistic vision, rise to recognition, and the emotional depth of his work. It's an inspiring tribute to a remarkable artist whose legacy continues to resonate through his vivid depictions of mining life.

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Thank you Jon - much appreciate your kind words. Norman truly was an artist of remarkable talent.

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Jul 30Liked by Harry Watson

Very true. Your writing really showcased that.

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Jul 29Liked by Harry Watson

Thank you so much, Harry. Although his name was familiar, I knew nothing of his work until I read your article. I really like his paintings. It’s wonderful that he was able to concentrate on art from his mid forties onwards but also wonderful that he had ‘a tale to tell’ because of his previous life experience. His quote, in your introduction is, I feel, so very true.

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Thanks Maureen, thought it was time Norman had a larger audience.

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What wonderfully evocative paintings. I don't think I knew his work, except I feel like I've seen them many times.

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I think his work is scattered among many galleries, Matt

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Great post, thank you. I enjoyed it particularly because I discovered the Norman Cornish exhibition at the Bob Abley Gallery in Spennymoor when I attended the mural festival. It's an amazing exhibition and it was so wonderful to see some of his work up close.

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Thanks Lynda and his work is wonderful isn't it? Not sure how much he is now well-known outside the northeast of England.

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